Two Ingredient Pulled Brisket Pizza Hamantaschen

Two Ingredient Pulled Brisket Pizza Hamantaschen
Two Ingredient Pulled Brisket Pizza Hamantaschen

Pizza dough stuffed with Jack’s Gourmet pulled brisket make these two ingredient hamantashen the perfect bite sized appetizer for Purim.

Jack’s Gourmet pulled brisket
Mini round pizza dough

Heat up pulled brisket according to package. Place one tablespoon pulled brisket in center of pizza dough. Shape dough into triangle. (Fold over left side, then right side pinching the corners together. Bring up the bottom to seal the triangle.) Bake on 350′ for 12 to 15 minutes or until dough is cooked through and slightly crispy.

Optional: garnish with bbq sauce.

Two Ingredient Pulled Brisket Pizza Hamantaschen
Two Ingredient Pulled Brisket Pizza Hamantaschen

** This post is sponsored by Jack’s Gourmet

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